
Peer-learning workshop on Entrepreneurship Education in Budapest

Budapest, 21 March 2019

Funded under the EU COSME programme, the workshop brought together 60 key players in the entrepreneurship education ecosystem from Ministries, businesses, NGOs and academia from 11 countries for interactive peer-learning sessions lead by JA Europe and the EE-HUB.


Sharing success stories from across Europe, the participants were inspired to develop strategies and action points for both national and European levels to move entrepreneurship education forward. Deep-dive sessions focussed on understanding the EntreComp framework and how to make use of it in the local context, analysing national strategies and what can be learned from the experience of others, as well as the latest research on what drives impact and growth in entrepreneurship education.

The ultimate goal was co-creation and a collective form of policy-making with a bottom-up approach.
Key take-aways from the peer-learning workshop were:

  • A set of future action points for each country, with a commitment to deliver;
  • Deeper understanding of the roles and possible action of the different stakeholders involved in entrepreneurship education;
  • Recommendations as to where the European-level action can be most effective in supporting the national needs and action;
  • How European policy instruments and the examples from other countries can be used at local level.

Another set of 11 countries will be invited to the next peer-learning workshop in Tallinn in November 2019.



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